The new UI is based on the Win32 APIs, MFC seems not to be used any more.
The base class is ObjectStudio.UIView. There is a class TestUI which one can use as a demo controller. The API calls are implemented in ObjectStudio.UIView.UILib.
To display a new empty window without any icons:
UIView initialize. UIView new create.
I had to change the create and privateCreate methods in UIView to get this working.
create self isOpen ifTrue: [^self]. UIView critical: [self class createWindow: self. "hhk := self hookWindowCreate." [self privateCreate] ensure: [self class createWindow: nil. "self unhookWindowCreate: hhk"]] privateCreate | aHwnd | aHwnd := self lib CreateWindowEx: self wndExStyle class: (self class wndClassName isString ifTrue: [self class wndClassName gcCopyToHeapUnicode] ifFalse: [self class wndClassName]) window: self windowName gcCopyToHeapUnicode style: self wndStyle x: self position x y: self position y width: self extent x height: self extent y parent: (self parent isNil ifTrue: [0] ifFalse: [self parent windowHandle]) menu: 0 hInst: 0 lParam: 0. self windowHandle: aHwnd datum . self registerWindow: aHwnd datum. aHwnd datum = self windowHandle ifFalse: [(UICreateWindowExError new) originalHwnd: self windowHandle; newHwnd: aHwnd datum; raiseSignal]
If you want a window with the standard windows icons:
(UIView new) style: UIView defaultStyle; create; setDefaultEvents.
In the TestUI class they do it a bit different (also this code does not display the left icon):
TestUI new testOpenWindow
Download code from here.
See also this post from Cincom.
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